Sea Kayak Levels – “Jeez, turning the kayak in those waves was so hard!!”


What sea kayak skill level are you? Five levels you might find useful…
Understanding where you are in terms of your paddling level and skills is useful for everyone. For some, it feels good to know that others feel the same way, they enjoy the same type of conditions and also struggle with the similar things, such as waves from the side or keeping up with the group.
This is a helpful guide for picking the right coaching course or trip for you, as nobody enjoys being too far out of their comfort zone or equally feel like they’re not getting challenged enough.

Many people relate to the Strong Beginner or Experienced Group Paddler stages and enjoy many years of paddling around coasts and islands with careful planning around weather and tides. To develop beyond this stage, usually takes a slightly more structured input, be that from a coach or an experienced paddling peer group.

These descriptions are a great starting point for discussion over a beer or a coffee, or a hot flask on a beach.

Absolute Beginner / Beginner

You have never sat in a sea kayak, canoe or a kayak before. You’re keen to learn and willing to give things a try.

Maybe you have done 1-2 Intro to sea kayak sessions with a friend, club or a coach. You’ve managed to paddle forward and backwards and turn your sea kayak. You have probably done a wet exit with a spray deck and maybe climbed back into your kayak. Turning feels difficult and any wind tends to make your kayak wander around. Paddling into a wind is hard work, and waves coming from behind or the side are a bit scary. You’ve paddled about 6 miles /10km in a day.

Strong Beginner 

Paddlers who recognize themselves here, may have been out a few times in some waves and some windier conditions, and are feeling a bit more confident. Paddling forward into the wind is still tiring, and others seem to paddle faster. Paddling for 15km feels ok but going for another 10km would seem too much right now. You’ve discovered the skeg and know how to use it. Turning on flat water is improving but in waves or wind it sometimes feels like a challenge. You can climb back into your kayak when practicing assisted rescues, and you might have tried to rescue someone else.

Experienced Group Paddler

You may have been paddling for a few years and like to choose your days on the water carefully, picking sheltered trips and better weather days. Longer multiple days of about 25km are manageable, and you are knowledgeable about tides and how the weather can affect you. You tend to avoid rougher water and more exposed coastlines. You don’t tend to practice skills but enjoy just going for a paddle, but now you’re curious and want to refresh some skills so you can continue to enjoy paddling.


You’ve been on longer trips maybe 20-25km. Getting to this stage can often take a couple of years and you are building up lots of experience in different conditions. You can complete a rescue of another paddler , and probably carry a towline. You are starting to enjoy ‘lumpier’ conditions but always prefer someone else more experienced close by, just in case! You’re beginning to paddle a bit faster when there is a wind and can keep up with most paddlers. You should be carrying a map and check the tides and weather forecast before paddling. You’ve done the Sea Kayak Coastal SK Award just to see how you do, and have maybe done some overnight trips.

Strong Intermediate

You’ve maybe got your Coastal Sea Kayak, thinking about Sea Kayak Leader and have done longer trips over a few days. You’re involved in the planning, looking at tides and weather, and you’re able to look out for others in your group. Maybe you’ve helped out in a real rescue or incident? You start to paddle closer to the rocks and perhaps go through a few rocky gaps. You want to challenge yourself in bigger waves, tidal waters and surf.


Windsocks – who knew?

Andrew Stevenson

I learned this little snippet of useful information just recently. Look at the attached image for some great guidance on wind speeds!


It’s 2024 – Time For Kayak Maintenance

Morag Stevenson

Another year and another kayak season will be here before you know it. Don’t forget to give your kayak some TLC before you hit the water in the spring. Check those grab loops. Do your decklines need tightened? Do they need slackened? Do they need replaced? Is your PFD old and worn? Does your kayak have any leaks? And what about your body? It’s an ideal time to do some gentle exercise in preparation for those warmer days!

Pool Sessions 2023

Morag Stevenson

Many KCKC members took advantage of the Johnson Bentley pool being available, and got in some pre-season practice including strokes, assisted rescues and self-rescue as you can see in the photo below.


James Manke – Rolling Clinic


August 27th, 2023: Refine your kayak roll with International kayak instructor, James Manke as he rolls through Kelowna. Have a Roll that needs some work? Or you’re looking to learn for the first time? Then this is the perfect course for you. This 4 hour course will focus on theory and land based instruction followed by in water training. Both Euro and Greenland paddle methods will be taught.
$150 per student; 6 Students MAX
If you are interested, you can find full details on his website:
Learn to Roll a Sea Kayak

Greenland Paddle Making Workshop

Andrew Stevens

Spent a wonderful day with Linda, Kyla, and the amazing Paul Landry at the KCKC greenland paddle making workshop! Paul graciously offered to share with us his in-depth knowledge of this ancient woodworking art of paddle making that kayakers have been using for centuries. We enjoyed a slight modern edge on our greenland cousins with a nice warm workshop (complete with oven-fresh chocolate chip cookies), modern power tools, and nice squared off planks of Yellow Cedar for our paddles! Final day of shaping and staining the paddles tomorrow, so we’ll post some of the finished product pictures when we’re all done. Looking forward to getting out and playing in the water with these beautiful new sticks!


Welcome to KCKC Posts


Welcome to the new KCKC Posts page. Any KCKC Member can write a post here, and upload a photo with their post too. Share your stories, trip reports, and more.
If you want to know what’s coming up, look under the ‘What’s On?’ page. Any upcoming event that you can sign up for will be there.
