A Paddle Organizer:
- evaluates weather and water conditions. Based on the assessment, the organizer may:
- cancel the trip
- modify the trip
- suggest certain individuals do not paddle
- has the authority to cancel a club paddle
- has the authority to refuse an individual for any reason
- should leave instructions with someone on land with details of where they are
going and when they are expected back. The person on land should contact the authorities if the trip organizer does not report back at the agreed upon time - should carry:
- A cell phone (or other appropriate communications device)
- An extra paddle
- A paddle float
- A set of warm clothing
- should pace the paddle so that the individual with the least ability is not struggling to keep up with the group. If other paddlers decide this is too slow and paddle faster, such that they leave the group, they are deemed to have voluntarily left the club paddle
The paddle organizer should hold a pre-trip meeting to discuss:
- Route, schedule and known hazards
- Accident prevention, signals and emergency / rescue procedures
- Paddling etiquette
- Who will lead and who will sweep
All KCKC recreation paddles must comply with Transport Canada’s pleasure craft regulations as outlined in the Safe Boating Guide.
KCKC recreation paddles are not “guided excursions” and the paddle organizer does not have to comply with Transport Canada’s Human Powered Non-Pleasure Vessels Guide (TP 15204E).
Paid instructors do have to comply with Transport Canada’s Human Powered Non-Pleasure Vessels Guide (TP 15204E).
A KCKC Paddle Organizer is NOT an Instructor